Welcome to MMTEC

 Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician in the early 1900's, discovered the remarkable and effortless ability of children to absorb knowledge from their surroundings.

Inspired by this simple and profound truth, she developed educational materials, curricula, methodology, and teacher training techniques to further the children's self-creating processes.

The Michigan Montessori Teacher Education Center teaches the essence of Dr. Montessori's principles, and unique and inspiring techniques, while preparing its adult learners for the challenges of today's children and families.

 MMTEC's current and interactive lecture format meets the needs of all learning styles of the adult learner. 

Our faculty is comprised of highly qualified and experienced professionals, with teaching backgrounds in private, charter and public school programs. 

Our instructors share their expertise in the Montessori curriculum as well as in other arenas, including professional counseling, administration and business.

Summer Training

"The child should love everything that he learns for mental and emotional growth are linked.

Whatever is presented to him must be made beautiful and clear, striking his imagination.

Once this love has been kindled, all problems confronting the educationalist will disappear."

Dr. Maria Montessori